How the Mind Works

How the Mind Works

You're probably here because you sometimes experience self doubts, negative thoughts, fears, upsets or behavior you want to change, but just can't quite seem to do it.

The Goal:

My goal with this module is to simplify the concepts to prepare you to get the most out of the powerful tools in Module 3.

The Lesson:

As with everything so far, what's true for you is true - my goal is just to give you a workable understanding of the mind.

As you've learned so far, you are you - and you have a body and a mind - your mind is a collection of mental image pictures that all have an "energy" or "charge".

An energy, in this case, is defined as: potential of motion or power; comes from the forcing of space between terminals - like a battery - (+)(-) and a reduction and expansion of that space.

Every moment of your life, your mind is recording everything that is happening to you - every sight, sound, smell, taste, touch... everything. Some of the moments are pleasure moments which have a "positive charge", some are painful in some way and have a "negative charge" (see Diagram A)

They are all stored in the mind and can be "called up" to be looked at at will. - take your breakfast this morning or the last meal you ate (see it, smell it, taste it, touch it, chew it). pleasure moments can be looked at comfortably as you've just demonstrated.

Moments that include pain, hurt, grief, loss, pain, emotion, anger, guilt, shame, resentment, etc. tend to "stick" in your mind.

They "stick" in your mind because, at the moment they occurred, the thoughts and decisions made about the event had an imbalance of "negative" over "positive".

Each event stacks on top of the others and forms a sort of "lens" of looking at the present time and future. (cover blue)

Your mind calls upon past experiences, "positive" "negative" & "neutral" and uses the information (sight, smell, taste, feel, sound) to make decisions and solve problems relating to present & future events.

The mind accumulates and stores all of these imbalanced or "charged" past experiences and ensures you are wearing that "lens" in moments of perceived danger or upset which then dictates your actions. Essentially, the "lenses" we perceive the present and future with become thicker and thicker clouding our clear thinking and judgment more and more.


Let's say a girl got bit by a dog when she was 4 (draw)

She was in front of a white fence, on fresh cut grass, saw a blue sky, heard her mom scream, felt a pain in her arm and felt afraid.

the event is now stored in the mind with more perceived "negatives" than positives including white, fence, grass, green, blue, sky, scream, mom, woman, pain, arm, fear and everything else that was in that event. That event is now "negatively charged"

In moments of pain, fear, anger, guilt, shame, hostility, depression, etc. the mind does not discern between these items, it loops them all into one category... bad/fear/avoid

The girl has just put on a lens of fear and is now looking at the future through a fear lens. (see Diagram A)

Her mind will be on the lookout for white, fences, grass, green, blue, sky, scream, mom, woman, pain, arm, fear and everything else that was in that event.

As far as the mind is concerned, white = fence = dog = smell of dog breath = teeth = grass = green = grass smell = blue = sky = screaming = high pitched noises = mom = didn't protect me = woman = blond hair = person = authority figure = pain = arm = fear... you get the point... the mind does not discern between the characteristics, it only stores them with a "negative charge"

Every characteristic in this event all could act as "triggers" for the mind to "put the lens on thicker".

These "triggers" are also known as "buttons" when you hear of someone "pushing your buttons".

When your mind has imbalanced & charged events, you are not bulletproof. You are susceptible to having "your buttons pushed" and having those "lenses of negativity" clouding your judgment, focus & confidence.

Therefore, if you balance the charges in your mind, you will be much less likely to have your "buttons pushed" and will be impervious to outside forces, clear thinking, confident and focused - in otherwords - you'll be bulletproof!

Back to the girl - As long as the charge in this event remains "negative" or "imbalanced", there is a high probability that this girl will have a fear of dogs, more than that, this event could influence how she views people, what color fence she prefers in the future, etc.

While this example shows a fear, this is the same structure of all of your doubts, fears, frustrations, anger, guilt, shame, depression or anything you're trying to get rid of. (see Diagram A)

What to Do Next:

So, if you're experiencing any of those and want to "discharge" the "negative" from those events so you can be the best, clear thinking, powerful, logical, focused & confident you again - there is a tool in Module 3 to do just that.

Not just for events in the past, but the tool can (and should) be used for the rest of your life to handle things as they come up so you can keep the "lens of negativity" off and be at your best, most bulletproof self!

I'm sure you're excited to get on to clearing your charges, but remember, if you want to give yourself the best opportunity to clear the most charges, make sure to go through each lesson in this program before you get to Module 3.

Diagram A:

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