Welcome to The Bulletproof Mind

Welcome to The Bulletproof Mind

This program has been created to help you remove whatever barriers may be keeping you from experiencing your true, powerful, focused best self. It includes an exact science and philosophy that underly your very existence. Most important, it is an extremely real and practical reference guide for understanding why you live the way you do and how to become the best version of yourself.


You may know me as the former "leads & business growth guy". Over the last couple of years alone, I've built and sold a 7-figure agency and helped over 2,000 entrepreneurs & executives grow to 6 & 7-figures. I've been featured in Yahoo Finance, MSNBC, NY Times and Fox News...

But to be honest, less than 5% of that success was "what I did" and 95% a result of all of the mindset and growth training I've done (frankly, to save my life) over the past 12 years.

You might not believe it, but I used to be wildly disliked, depressed, suicidal, incredibly frustrated with life, super anxious, nobody wanted to be around me, I was confused, and frankly - I was a mental mess. My parents sent me to psychiatrists... Let's just say people were worried. So was I (understatement).

And in 2012, I hit what you might call "rock bottom". I had just run out of money (and time) on my professional golf career - I survived 2.5 years, but I hadn't put a damn bit of focus on anything other than golf - leading me to having $79 in my pocket (didn't even have a bank account at the time - I was 23). My entire life purpose to that point was to make it to the PGA Tour - but, for a number of reasons, I came to a point where the road seemed impossible.

I was in such a mind state that I saw that I had 3 choices:

  • Get a shitty job at Subway or something
  • Miraculously get a ton of money or miraculously better at golf
  • Or... end it (not to be too morbid)

Looking back, it's a bit silly... but at the time, I had worked and worked for 10 years on my junior career, college and trying to make it as a pro. It was my dream. And it was crushed. I was done.

Something compelled me to begin searching for answers. A different way of thinking. Because the way I was currently thinking certainly wasn't working so well...

And I came across my first videos on personal development - and I saw that there just might be a way out of this mental conundrum I was in. I quickly came to the conclusion that there was literally nothing more important than getting my mind right - I saw it was the one thing that runs it all - and mine was a complete mess. I knew if I couldn't "get rid of my sh*t" I would never live the life I dreamt of.

I made a commitment to do whatever it takes to free my mind of the bullsh*t fears, guilt, anger and shame and become the best I can be.

Since making that commitment, in the last 12 years I've spent over $150,000 and well over 10,000 hours on trainings, coaches, seminars & processes to "get rid of my mental sh*t"... I've studied just about every religion, philosophy, psychology, mindset & self-help process out there - and tried an enormous quantity of them (I won't lie to you and tell you I've tried them all, but I've been through a lot of stuff trying to figure this mind stuff out).

I spent over 10,000 hours getting my mind to a point where I don't get my "buttons pushed", I don't get "anxious" truly feel as though there's nothing I can't handle. I've done things that didn't work, things that kind of worked, and things that absolutely, without a doubt changed my mindset (thus changing my results in life) forever.

This program is the culmination of the best of the best that I have learned in handling my own mental challenges and allowed me to finally get out of my own way and experience the success and freedom that I'm humbled and blessed have today.

You are about to embark on a journey that has never been put into this form before, and I promise that the time and effort devoted to it will be repaid a thousandfold. It is my sincere hope that this program will deeply touch and inspire you with respect to your own greatness and potential, and that it will, without a shadow of a doubt, reveal to you the awesomeness in every human soul.

I'm honored that you're here and don't take your trust in me lightly. I've put my heart and soul into this program and have done my absolute best in every lesson, every graphic and every illustration and I'm excited for you to get going, because I know this is going to be a game changer.

The first step towards forever challenging, changing your life for the better - and I'm excited, honored and humbled to join you on your journey to becoming bulletproof.

By the end of this program, you won't just feel more powerful. You'll know you are!

Acknowledgements & Dedications:

There have been literally hundreds of people key in my journey so far. And without them, this program would not be here for you.

Thank you in advance for helping me acknowledge those most important to this program:

  • Clare M. - my Mom. Through thick and thin, she has truly loved me and been there for me - and I couldn't be more grateful.
  • Jim W. - My Dad. Thank you for being tough on me.
  • Dan M. - My stepfather. Thank you for being a true friend.
  • Melissa S. - My fiance. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. I wouldn't be who I am without you.
  • Ken T. - My spiritual mentor. He prefers to remain anonymous, but his teachings make up a large part of what's in this program - thank you for helping me remember who I truly am.
  • Bob G. - The friend who told me "I don't know what's best for you, only you do" - The most powerful sentence of my life. Thank you Bob. Sending Love.
  • Lewis Mocker - My Aussie friend and mentor. Thank you for making the most important things in life practical and usable to understand.
  • Tony Robbins - My first personal development mentor. Thank you for your support of myself, my family and all that you do. I owe you one big guy.
  • John Demartini - The processes in this program are based on a combination of Ken T (above) and John Demartini. Thank you for the wisdom.
  • All of those not listed - Thank you for playing the perfect role in my life and helping me to learn and grow.
  • All of the perceived challenges that ended up as blessings. Thank you for leading me here.

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