The Principle of Polarity

The Principle of Polarity

The Goal:

The goal of this lesson is to illustrate an ancient principle of the universe - the principle of polarity. For more information on this, I recommend getting this book - the Kybalion: Three Initiates - Hermetic Philosophy.

This principle is vital to your ability to clear your charges and I highly encourage you to watch this lesson multiple times. Your failure to do so will prevent you from clearing those charges and taking off your lenses!

The Lesson:

So what is the principle of polarity?

Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled"

Hot and cold, positive and negative, good and bad, dark or light, up or down, etc. are all two sides of the same coin.

Take hot and cold for example, there really is no such thing as "hot" and "cold" - they are both opposites of the relative subject called "temperature"

If you call something "hot" or "cold", you're always right - it just depends on your perspective.


For example, you might say, on this planet, that it's "hot outside" if the temperature is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit…

Well, the average temperature of the planet Venus is 864 degrees Farenheit... if it was 100 degrees on venus, you would say it was a "cold" day.

The average temperature of the sun is 9,941 degrees farenheit.. a whopping 11.5X hotter than venus... and 99X hotter than what you might consider a "hot" day on earth…

On the contrary, a "freezing" day on earth is 32 degrees Fahrenheit - you might say that it's "cold today"... take pluto for example - its average temperature is -387 degrees Farenheit... 110X colder than a "cold day" on earth.

There is no absolute standard of heat and cold - it is all a matter of degree. There is no place on the thermometer where heat ceases and cold begins.

The truth of the subject is only the objective view that temperature is temperature. All hot and cold are one thing.

The Law of Conservation of Energy 

States that "energy can neither be created or destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.

This is the truth with anything. Love, hate - courage, fear - judgment, acceptance - benefit, drawback - survive, succumb - large, small - good, bad - loud, quiet - high, low

Meaning, the truth of anything is the center point of a balanced perception that transcends this scale of polarity and sees everything for what it truly is, balanced, powerful, divine - and serving the whole.

There is equal "good" in every "bad" - there is equal "benefits" in every "drawback"


For example, take something perceived as "bad" - let's say someone dumps you...

You might feel like all is lost, they betrayed you, you'll never be able to find "the one", they deserted you, you've lost love, sex, friendship, companionship, a teammate - all of these perceived drawbacks cause an imbalanced perception of the event, creating a "charged event"

We've now learned that nothing (no energy) is ever lost, it only changes form (on this scale), so that must mean there are benefits to this event as well!

They might not be readily apparent (if they were, you wouldn't feel "bad" about it)

So rather than complaining about this event, ask yourself "how does this serve me? what are the hidden benefits to getting dumped?"

  • Does it make you self-reflect and seek how you might be able to improve for the next candidate?
  • Does it make you dig inside and find courage?
  • Did it allow you to reconnect with friends you haven't seen in a while?
  • Did it motivate you to get back into the gym and eat healthier?
  • Do you now have more freedom and independence?
  • Are you now able to do what you want when you want without consulting anybody?
  • Are you now free to play the field again and experience other people?

People get stuck on one side of this pole for their whole lives thinking things are "Bad" and keeping that lens on.

Everything has two sides and you can never have one side without the other... have you ever heard of a one-sided coin?

It's not "one side now and the other side sometime in the future" - they're both here, now. This is an ancient principle of the universe. Everything is perfectly balanced.

The principle of polarity shows us that there are equal benefits to every drawback, equal hot in every cold, equal large in every small, equal love to every hate, and so on - and this principle exists always, everywhere.

The further down and out you've been, the further up and in you can go.

As we get closer to using the tools to remove these charges, understand that you will be tasked with finding these hidden benefits. It will not be easy, nothing in life worth doing is, but I will guide you through it step by step and make it as simple as possible for you.

Make sure you watch all of the modules leading up to the tools - do not skip ahead if you want to get optimum results - and I'll see you in the next lesson.

Complete and Continue  